How to get rid of papilloma by folk remedies: 15 recipes

How to get rid of papilloma by folk methods

The most effective folk recipes to help get rid of papilloma without leaving your home.

Papillomas - growths on the skin of various sizes and shapes - are as common as, say, herpes. It is also viral.

Therefore, treatment requires complication: not only externally, but also internally. It is important to strengthen the immune system, add fresh juices, fruits and vegetables to the diet and lead an active lifestyle. Yes, also avoid carbonated beverages and switch to herbal teas.

However, before switching to traditional papilloma treatment prescriptions, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

! Remember!Under no circumstances should the papilloma be cut and removed. After such a drastic action, the risk of developing cancer increases several times. If the accumulation is black and begins to bleed when pressed, papilloma develops - do not delay a visit to the doctor.

You know. . . From a psychosomatic point of view, papillomas are caused by the collapse of the illusion, permanent melancholy.

Folk remedies for papillomas: instructions for use

1. Cleaner

Papilloma infusion is one of the most effective treatments. Just remember: the procedure can be difficult. So, first you need to find celandine somewhere. The juice is squeezed from the stalk of a freshly cut plant, with which you lubricate the papilloma. Then you cover everything with plaster (you can also soak it with juice). Course of treatment: once every two days, until all is lost.

For best results, it is recommended to tie the soil to the "sole" with a thin thread. After several moxibustion procedures, the roots of the formation gradually thin out. You need to pull the thread a little every day until the papilloma falls off on its own. Once built, the remaining holes should be lubricated daily with celandine.

2. Garlic

A recipe used by our grandmothers. Apply a compress at night. Squeeze the garlic juice and mix with the flour until it forms something like a paste. Apply the product to the growth before going to bed. Wash it off with water in the morning. If you believe in traditional medicine, you can get rid of the problem in just a few nights. By the way, instead of flour with crushed garlic, you can mix ordinary children's cream.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

The acid dries the damaged area very well. Cotton wool should be soaked in vinegar, fastened to the plants and wrapped overnight. You can also make therapeutic baths. Mix 100 ml with each water and vinegar. Immerse the affected areas in water for 20 minutes.

4. Chicken eggs

Don't be surprised, but such a simple product can not only stop the growth of papilloma, but also completely eliminate it. To do this, you need to wipe the problem areas with protein several times a day. Once the first layer of protein is dry, apply the second immediately. If you lubricate the papilloma regularly, after two weeks it will be completely dry.

There is another recipe. Peel a squash, grate it and bake in the oven for a few minutes. Then grind them into a solution, "sprinkle" the plants with the resulting powder and glue them on top. Do not remove the compress for three days. Then replace it with a new one.

5. Hydrogen peroxide

Not all affected areas can be used with this tool. For example, it is not good to rub it in the eyes. Soak a cotton ball (or gauze swab) in peroxide and use it on the plant. The compress should be changed every 1. 5 hours. And stay with him for a few days. Once again, this method works well in combination: during treatment, drink herbal decoctions, fruit and vegetable juices.

6. Walnut

The recipe seems to be taken from an alchemist's book. We collect green walnuts when they are freshly ripened, peel them and grind them. Put the walnut pieces in a liter glass jar (fill about 2/3 of the jar), cover tightly and hide in the dark for three weeks. Over time, the contents of the jar should be filtered and the plants should be lubricated several times a day with a purified solution. The course of treatment continues until the papilloma disappears.

7. Laundry soap

Most people remember the brown band of the good old soap. However, not all people know about its healing properties. For example, papillomas can be treated with thick soap. Store until dry. So, for several days in a row, until the skin under the problem area turns red. After a while, the accumulation should go down.

8. Potato

Potato juice affects papilloma and strengthens the body's defenses. It should be taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach as well as at bedtime (dose of about 100 ml). The treatment takes about a month.

9. Herbal Healer

Various herbal teas help in the treatment of papilloma, for example, a set of several ingredients: dandelion root, plantain leaves, lemon balm, nettle and horseradish. We take each plant in equal proportions, grind it and mix it well. You can drink 2 tablespoons of the total collection at a time. spoon and pour them 0. 5 liters of boiling water. For some time, you need to pour the funds. The course of treatment - a week, the tincture should be taken before meals. Drink 45-50 ml per day, no more than three times.

10. Essential oils

Eucalyptus, cinnamon, lavender, caraway and lemon oils are effective against growth. Treat papilloma daily with undiluted oil. 1-2 drops are enough. Apply a dry, clean bandage on top. For post-oil irritation, you can lubricate the skin with a solution of vitamin E and wheat germ oil. Castor oil can be safely applied around the eyes. Tea tree oil helps to get rid of heel papillomas. To do this, dissolve 12 drops of oil in 2 liters of warm water. Soak your feet in the solution for at least 20 minutes. This oil is not toxic at all. It can be used for a month. Baths should be done daily.

11. Aloe

This recipe is especially suitable for patients with eye papilloma. So mix 5 ml of aloe and Kalanchoe juice. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and rub the plant for 5 minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a day. Wormwood or mountain ash juice helps well. They should wipe the tumors 5-10 times a day. By the way, the juice that can effectively deal with the problem can be obtained not only from plants, but also from sour apples.

12. Cabbage

Fresh cabbage juice can be used to treat some papillomas (such as under the armpits). Moisten a slightly soft natural fabric with it and apply a compress to the problem area overnight.

13. With vitamin

Papillomas can jump under the tongue. What are some ways to solve the problem? A loading dose of vitamin C helps. Grind the ascorbic acid tablet and grind it with a few drops of lemon juice. The dough should be greased daily. You can use pure lime or lemon juice for a well-defined removal.

14. bay leaf

Decoction of bay leaves helps to get rid of papillomas in the throat. To prepare: Put 4 bay leaves in 220 ml of boiling water. Leave the infusion overnight. Take the medicine the next day. Duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

15. Aspirin

To prepare the compress: Take 5 g of aspirin, 4 g of iodine, 3 g of boric acid, 120 ml of alcohol. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Apply daily to the affected area and apply a bandage.